Scheme Information

A summary of your scheme documentation is set out below

Click below to download your policy. If your computer does not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free from Adobe's website.

The YCBPS is governed by the Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Pension Scheme Rules, consolidated in 2009, as amended from time to time. The provisions of the Scheme are summarised in a Member Guide which is issued to all members when they join the Scheme and updated from time to time. If there is a conflict between the member guide and the Trust Deed and Rules, the Trust Deed and Rules prevail.



Further Information

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A death benefit lump sum may be payable following your death. Completing a expression of wishes form allows you to tell the Trustee of the Scheme how you would like any lump sum death benefit to be distributed. The Trustee will take account of your form, but are not bound by any nomination. Your expression of wishes form should be updated to reflect changes to your current circumstances, for example, if you marry, divorce or have children.